Monday 5 August 2019

Eid UL Azha and Care /Management of Sacrificial Animals

We all know that Eid ul Adha moon has been sited. it is officially Eid on 12 of August this month in PAKISTAN. while many other countries across the world one day before or after. everybody is looking for a handsome, ideal  Qurbani/sacrificial animal for this festival to fulfill the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
In Pakistan (may be other countries) there is always a special campaign. that is launched by livestock department to aware people against the tick born fever named as Congo fever.

they have established check points at every city across province Punjab to spray antiseptics on the animals. that are transported from  different area of the country that is indeed a very good step.
sacrificial animal
A sacrificial animal at cattle market

Congo virus :

is a zoonotic disease. mostly it spread in animals cattle buffalo goat sheep by the infestation of specific ticks bites. it is usually transferred from infected animals to humans.

That cause hemorrhagic fever in humans Symptoms  include fever, muscle pains, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding into the  is fatal and ultimately caused death.

 Anyhow I just want to provide basic information about this disease. that now a days we hear this term commonly. as I have already mentioned that it is spread by a specific tick bite and by the mercy of God in Pakistan that virus is very rare so need to worry any more.

Now some tips for buying animals

Always go in to cattle market in day light .
wear full sleeve clothes, close shoes, joggers to avoid any injury or infection in that heavy crowded area.
Usually children have fond of going into cattle market. so try to keep away children form market. if they insisted on it then pay special attention on their safety.
Try to visit cattle market with some relative or friend that proper Sharia knowledge of sacrificial animals. like age of animals, particularly teeth, or any of the abnormality that make animal unfit for sacrificial obligation.
The animals should have active, healthy proper age with permanent teeth’s and proper walking injury or injury mark should be place on the body of animals. some animals have artificially broken teeth by the owner or it has tailor ear docking,

don't be afraid of Mixed breed:

In Asian countries with the increasing demands of dairy products. many breeds of cattle ( Holstein Frisian or jersey brown Swiss) are exported from other countries like Australia Netherlands America.

After breeding here with local breeds their offspring are cross breeds. that usually contains characteristics of both of local and exotic animals. we hear different controversial opinion on these animals about sacrifice on Eid ul Azha .

these are baseless and groundless. there is no restriction on these animals and don’t pay attention on these things.

Transportation of sacrificial/Qurbani Animals:

After purchasing on animal especially of cattle, heifer, bull. asked the owner/seller to safely transport this animals at your door steps or whatever place you have managed.

even you can pay extra amount this purpose because sometimes the animals got frightened. when it is hand over/came across to new person, environment/place  it may be very difficult to handle these vicious, furious animals.

After the arrival of animals at home/farm don’t offer him water or fodder immediately. take some time to bring out your animals from stress of travelling, and new environment. once the animal looks calm, and aware/consent of surrounding you can now offer him water and fodder.

Comfort  and Hygiene of your Sacrificial/Qurbani animal:

Keep your animals at a clean, shady, cool place, proper ventilation of the area. where it can safe from extreme weather conditions.
it's floor should not be slippery as it may cause some serious injury .
it is better if you have place you animal free at a farm or confined area where it can easily get accessed to water and fodder.
according to its will research revealed that animals that are kept free without tying stay more healthy and have more production.

Consult a veterinarian:

If your animals have any type of health problem then don’t rely on domestic remedies or treatment from quacks. consult some qualified veterinary doctor that can properly diagnosis your animals illness and treat that case respectively.

The sacrificial animals should never be Beaten intentionally or unintentionally. treat that animal with passion love and take care as much as you can to make a bond.

One thing must be especially cared, if your animals is cattle and is in milking phase. than you cannot used that milk for yourself or family.

it should be given in the name of Allah  for charity (sadaqah) to any poor family because you have purchased that animal to be sacrificed in the name of Allah.

On the day of Eid, animals should be proper fed and should be provided fresh water to drink before sacrificing.
don’t show your chopping knife or any other sharp object before sacrificing of animals.


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